Website Design & Development Case Study is a WordPress site using a customized Divi theme from Elegant Themes. Designed by the team at Earnest Enterprises LLC, this site is vibrant and engaging. There are 5 pages which serve to highlight Progressive Web Apps as well as other services.
- Earnest Apps
- Web design
- UI / UX
- Website Build
- 5 Pages
- Graphics & Illustrations
- Icons
- WordPress Build
- Analytics
- Social Media Integration

Style & Imagery






Poppins Semibold 32pt
Poppins Regular 24pt
Poppins Regular 16pt
Poppins Bold 14pt
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Main Pages
Earnest Apps has 5 pages to highlight and explain services and products offered. The pricing page outlines both cost and features included on standard Progressive Web Apps. Notice the completely different (yet still complementary color) on the portfolio page. The homepage and other services pages are more similar in style. Overall, a very aesthetically pleasing site with a coherent color palate.