The Grand Rapids Area Professionals for Excellence (GRAPE) is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to creating a community of excellence for local businesses. GRAPE’s mission is “To build a community of professionals who inspire others to reach their fullest potential; personally, professionally, and neighborly!”
GRAPE needs a comprehensive web presence to help the community know about upcoming and past events. We redesigned, updated, and expanded a 23 page WordPress site to help the organization accomplish its mission.
- Grand Rapids Area Professionals for Excellence (GRAPE)
- Web design
- UI / UX
- Website Build
- 23 Pages
- Illustrations
- Icons
- WordPress Build
- On-site SEO
- Analytics
- Social Media links
- Mobile App
Style & Imagery
Raleway 32pt
Raleway 24pt
Raleway 16pt
RALEWAY Bold 14pt
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Main Pages
GRAPE needed a website to serve as a central hub for education and communication about events. With a large presence on,, an app, regular newsletters, and text messaging system, keeping the message consistent is key. GRAPE organizes educational events regularly throughout the year for members. Their website showcases upcoming meetings as well as archives past events and a large blog has much to offer for local business owners.