There are several things you need to make your website compliant with GDPR.
- Cookie policy with optin box
- Privacy policy with acceptance of terms
- Terms of Service with acceptance form
- Data access forms so users can see what information you store
- A form so users can request data deletion
- A form so users can correct any mistakes in their data
Doesn’t this sound like a lot of work?
Truthfully, it is. Especially if you don’t have a privacy policy or a terms & conditions page already created and published.
It is something you can do though. There are plenty of guides online that can help you get everything put together and set up. Simply enter GDPR into a search box and you get plenty of results.
Don’t have time to do it all yourself?
We get it. Running a business takes enough time already. Adding a whole new data management and compliance regime just takes more time.
We can help.
We can bring your WordPress site into compliance quickly and easily. We provide the following: cookie, privacy, and terms of service policies. We add pages to your site with a solution for users to request their data for inspection, to rectify any data inconsistencies, and to request that their data be removed.
We can even give you a setting to turn away EU visitors, if you prefer.
We charge $500 for this service.